Webinar on Child’s right to identity in alternative care

Transforming Children’s Care Webinar Series #5Webinar on Child’s right to identity in alternative care1 July 2021 (15h-16h30 CET, 9h-10h30 EST) While ensuring suitable care for children deprived of their families is of utmost importance (article 20 CRC), growing evidence shows that the preservation and access to the child’s identity in this process – including name, nationality and family relations (article 8 CRC) – is of equal importance. Even when children have grown up in a loving and secure family environment, missing elements of their identity can have a lifelong impact of a legal, medical and/or psychosocial nature. This webinar explores the importance of protecting the child’s right to identity in how it is created, how it may be modified and/or falsified in alternative care as well as the need to preserve information about the child’s identity, notably family relations. The webinar addresses the significant issue of State’s responsibility to speedily re-establish the child’s complete identity. Moderated by Maud de Boer-Buquicchio, president of CHIPSpeakers include Cornelius Williams – Associate Director and global Chief of Child Protection for UNICEF Programme Division, Professor David Smolin, Lynelle Long – Founder/Director of ICAV, Dr Maeve O’Rourke and Professor Ann Skelton. Download the flyer here. Webinar information : https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_cQ86hQBJS6uNHyCWsQvwTA

Recording of webinar : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YF5Ok6emf6Y

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