Technical support continues to accelerate birth registration

Over 2024 and in line with international standards, reforms have augmented to accelerate birth registration including the adoption of the Law No. 2024/016  related to Civil Registration, revised Civil Status Strategic Plan 2025 to 2029, development Charter of Cameroon Mayors for Universal Birth Registration 2024, introduction of the MyName campaign and the Special Operation for catch-up birth registration in schools (Special Operation PAREC). These latest efforts build on those initiated in 2010 which are well-documented. These CRVS endeavours in Cameroon are crucial to public sector reforms that drive structural transformation through decentralisation, inter-operability and digital technology. UNICEF mandated a team at Child Identity Protection (CHIP) to support with the ongoing and rapid reforms in Cameroon to accelerate birth registration. These activities were undertaken by Marine Braun (27-28 January), Mia Dambach (27 January to 5 February) and Cornelius Williams (27 January to 6 February) over four axes :

  1. Accelerating birth registration through inter-operability with the education sector

A workshop was organised to examine the draft research report to identify areas to improve, including agreeing on recommendations to scale up the catch-up birth registration in the schools. The focus of the workshop on the second day was to identify a) priority actions for the implementation of the second phase of the Special Operation PAREC in 2025 and b) key stages for the development of a protocol for activities from 2026 to ensure that pupils from enrolment period could benefit from catch-up birth registration period.

  1. Accelerating birth registration in the crisis context

During the research undertaken on the Special Operation PAREC, the CHIP team used the opportunity to gather additional information about promising practices to improve birth registration in the crisis settings (i.e. probing exercise). Researchers focused on identifying any efforts that successfully were adapted to accelerate birth registration. As part of the mission, the CHIP team held several meetings with the CPAoR and the child protection colleagues working on birth registration in the crisis contexts. In addition to various meetings with humanitarian actors, a day workshop was held with over 60 participants composed of government actors (MINDDEVEL, BUNEC and Mayors) working in crisis contexts to discuss the results from the probing exercise and how to reinforce their ongoing work.

  1. Accelerating birth registration by implementing birth registration micro-plans at commune level

In parallel to the Special Operation (axe 1) and following the training on micro-plans, a one day workshop was organised on how to develop, implement, and report on a micro-plan and budget with MINDDEVEL, BUNEC, Mayors and UNICEF. This included presentations by UNICEF Chief of Child Protection Casimira Benge on the results of the Mayor’s Challenge which includes the micro-plan as one key indicator. The results of the Mayor’s Challenge are exceptional with 97% adhesion rate and multiple innovation activities as outline in the report.

  1. Accelerating birth registration through operationalisation of 2024-16 law, national strategy 2025-2029 and Mayor’s Charter

Given the influx of new CRVS national frameworks, it is urgent that these are operationalised and that existing associated documents are updated. This will include advocacy work to support the introduction of decrees, orders, circulars and service notes are aligned with international standards. The CHIP team explored concrete avenues to operationalise these frameworks (e.g. standard operating procedures) and ensure capacity development through comprehensive training aligned with international standards.


Next steps may include development of :

  • protocol to formalise catch-up birth registration in schools for all different actors involved from 2026
  • guidance on accelerating birth registration in crisis context (e.g. policy brief)
  • tools to operartionalise CRVS reforms (e.g. 2024-16 law, national strategy 2025-2029 & Mayors charter)
  • CRVS training frameworks that integrate international learning and latest Cameroon developments


Further information :

  • CHIP presentation on catch-up birth registration in the schools – English | French
  • CHIP presentation on accelerating birth registration in crisis contexts – English | French
  • UNICEF presentation on Mayor’s Challenge and indicators – English