Opportunity for submissions for the 2021 Day of General Discussion on Children’s Rights and Alternative Care (2021 DGD)

The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is now accepting submissions to feed into the 2021 DGD to be held on 16 and 17 September, which will address among others, issues surrounding (past) abuses in all alternative care settings, cross-border alternative care, as well as redress and restorative measures, due by 14 June 2021. Child Identity Protection looks forward to the opportunity of highlighting the link between articles 8 CRC and 20 CRC, particularly noting the State’s responsibility in re-establishing missing elements of the child’s identity. A DGD Concept Note providing background information to the DGD as well as Guidelines on participation and submissions have been prepared. In addition the members of the DGD Child and Youth Advisory Team with partners have developed a separate survey for children and young people to provide their views by 31 May 2021.