Launch of UNICEF’s Child Marriage Data Portal

At the end of 2023, UNICEF launched its new data portal on child marriage. The Child Marriage Data Portal measures countries’ progress towards the achievement of relevant SDGs, through country profiles and an exploration of trends in moving forward towards the elimination of this practice. By setting indicators on child marriage and related issues in accessible, easy-to-use formats, it is useful to policymakers and programmers seeking to end child marriage; advocacy and communications experts looking for data to support effective messaging; data analysts, experts, academics and researchers wanting to analyse data; and national partners, who need good data to assess the situation in a particular country. This portal should be read in conjunction with that developed by Girls Not Brides which includes minimum age for marriage and list of local actors.

CHIP congratulates UNICEF for this very useful mechanism and tool in offering reliable data on, and visibility to, this harmful practice, which amounts to a violation of human and children’s rights, including their right to identity and family relations.

Source: UNICEF (2023). Child Marriage Data Portal. Available at: