UNICEF report on challenges in birth registration for children affected by migration in Peninsular Malaysia

The report For every child, an identity: Challenges in birth registration for children affected by migration in Peninsular Malaysia was commissioned by UNICEF Malaysia Country Office and was produced with the financial support of the European Union under the “Protecting Children Affected by Migration in Southeast, South and Central Asia” project. The extensive report highlights the fact that the situation of the refugee and migrant populations is precarious and vulnerable, due to their fears of arrest and detention. The research shows that the populations engaged in the study were “highly receptive to registering the births of their children, even if the value of doing so was not always well understood”. “Structural and logistical issues (..) presented the greatest barriers to successful and timely registration”. The research concludes with recommendations for short-, medium- and long-term action to improve and encourage birth registration in Malaysia (Streamline bureaucratic structures and make the process of birth registration accessible, clear, and consistent, mitigate fears and perceived risks associated with birth registration, Address gaps in knowledge and awareness through communication strategies tailored to populations). CHIP welcomes this report which contributes to finding solutions for a better birth registration of children of vulnerable populations.

Source: For every child, an identity, Challenges in birth registration for children affected by migration in Peninsular Malaysia, UNICEF 2023, https://www.unicef.org/malaysia/media/3986/file/FEC:%20An%20Identity%20Full%20Report.pdf