HCCH Special Commission on the Practical Operation of the 1980 Child Abduction Convention and 1996 Child Protection Convention

Child Identity Protection (CHIP) supports the multiple documents prepared for this Special Commission (SC) from 10 to 17 October 2023 and congratulates the work of the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (PB) in the drafting of high quality material, welcoming the inclusion of identity rights. Given the very essence of prompt returns and achieving continuity in the child’s upbringing, the full application of the 1980 Child Abduction Convention preserves and restores the child’s identity. The 1996 Child Protection Convention helps to ensure the child’s best interests in cross-border child protection matters are respected, given for example the multiple ways, it allows for the child’s right to identity to be preserved. It does this by facilitating the recognition and enforcement of child protection measures across borders including in matters related to parental responsibility as well as custody rights and access rights. The Convention further enables children to maintain contact with both parents and assists with their (or extended family’s) location, when they may be separated from them. 

CHIP has prepared information documents to support discussions about these two important conventions, firstly on the organisations related work and secondly one highlighting key identity issues that are relevant to the multiple preliminary (PD), information (ID) and working (WD) documents prepared by the PB, given that CHIP fully appreciates that the discussions will be led by Contracting States. 

Source : https://www.hcch.net/en/publications-and-studies/details4/?pid=8488&dtid=57

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