Better Care Network newsletter focus on “Children’s Care and Protection of Children’s Identity Rights” in partnership with Child Identity Protection

The preservation of a child’s identity– including name, nationality and family relations – is a fundamental right (Article 8 CRC) and is particularly essential for children who are deprived of their family environment and are in need of alternative care. BCN and Child Identity Protection collaborated together to bring the latest research, documentation of promising practices, and testimonies that underscore the importance of an accurate and fully transparent identity for each child from birth and throughout life. These resources explore practices that can lead to gaps in birth information and highlight the challenges of protecting the child’s identity in the context of alternative care decisions and transitions. In cases where children are separated from their families, their right to know their family origins as part of their identity may be denied, particularly when tracing, contact and reunification is not sufficiently promoted. Likewise, when information is missing or falsified, for example in a child’s dossier, States have a clear obligation to speedily re-establish the child’s identity, making reparations for the harms caused and preventing these violations from reoccurring through appropriate recourse to justice mechanisms. The identity information (e.g. birth certificates) must also be portable across borders and recognizable by other States, particularly for children who are on the move or who are placed in care settings in another State to prevent statelessness and encourage family reunification.


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