DW (Germany) invited CHIP to speak about international standards related to surrogacy and the connected rights of children in the context of current reforms being considered by the Colombian government. CHIP was able to stress the importance that any regulation...
- 30 May 2023
Surrogacy continues to be used as a method of family formation around the world. Children born through surrogacy have the same rights as all children under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN CRC) and the Optional Protocol...
- 29 April 2023
The Law Faculty of the University of the Western Cape and Miller du Toit Cloete Incorporated with the International Academy of Family Lawyers hosted the 25th edition of its family law conference from 8 to 10 March in Cape Town...
- 23 March 2023
Throughout end 2022 and continuing into 2023, UNHCR with different partners is working towards the forging of a new Global Alliance to end Statelessness comprised of States, UN agencies, civil society, academics and stateless-led groups. Child Identity Protection (CHIP) was...
- 23 January 2023
At Leading Minds 2022, two priority areas on child identity were examined, firstly eliminating discrimination, exclusion and violence against children based on identity; and secondly supporting and fostering positive child and youth identities. The event was led by UNICEF Innocenti...
- 08 November 2022
Child Identity Protection had the privilege of participating in the latest Brocher Meetup to discuss surrogacy. Surrogacy – where the person who gestates and gives birth to a child is not the intended parent – is on the rise around...
- 17 October 2022
CHIP was honoured to co-organise with the Geneva association Espace A the screening of the documentary “Juan” in Geneva on 29 September and to host a round table discussion to which adoption professionals and adoptees were invited. This event, and...
- 30 September 2022