Co-hosted by Danish International Adoption, Euradopt held its 14th edition of its conference with 180 participants from over 30 countries. Both research and the voices of adoptees reiterated the importance of identity rights. Child Identity Protection (CHIP) had the honour...
- 15 September 2022
Child Identity Protection (CHIP) is an international NGO based in Geneva working to uphold the child’s right to identity and to know their origins (Arts. 7-8 CRC). CHIP is honoured to have the opportunity to participate as an observer at the...
- 04 July 2022
This document presents an evidenced-based plea for States to ensure data protection rules comply with international obligations. This briefing note targets all professionals mandated to preserve identity information and/or provide access. It includes an explanation of the legal rights of...
- 18 June 2022
Child Identity Protection (CHIP) advocates for all national and foreign entities to prioritise peace, safety and protection measures that enable children to remain with or return to their families whenever it is in their best interest. Displacement should be fully prepared, supported...
- 09 March 2022
UNICEF and Child Identity Protection have identified key considerations for children’s rights and surrogacy in a briefing note launched this month. It states that “regardless of individual State positions on surrogacy, all States have a duty to protect the human...
- 10 February 2022
Assisted reproductive technology, including recourse to surrogacy, is increasingly being used for family formation. Children born through these methods have the same rights as all children under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). However, the...
- 13 September 2021
Transforming Children’s Care Webinar Series #5Webinar on Child’s right to identity in alternative care1 July 2021 (15h-16h30 CET, 9h-10h30 EST) While ensuring suitable care for children deprived of their families is of utmost importance (article 20 CRC), growing evidence shows...
- 01 July 2021
While ensuring quality care for children deprived of their families is important (article 20 Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)), the preservation and access of the child’s identity – including name, nationality and family relations (Article 8 CRC)...
- 21 June 2021