Closing event, presentation of the findings and conclusions of NRP 76

The key findings and conclusions of NRP 76 (150 researchers) are available in a synthesis report “Interventions in people’s lives” which summarizes the findings of the research projects, makes recommendations for policy, practice and stakeholders.

The report’s conclusions were presented on 24 May at a closing event, which provided an opportunity to discuss them with representatives from civil society, politics and the authorities. “The five years of interdisciplinary research carried out in NRP 76 have produced a wealth of findings. They show that the causes of violations of personal integrity are complex, and that interventions at an early age have long-lasting effects on the lives of the people concerned as well as their descendants. However, they also shed light on changes in institutions and players in the social sector and describe how these parties have intervened and provided support in the past and today, and in which conflicting areas they operate”. Federal Councilor Beat Jans, Head of the Federal Department of Justice and Police, was present to take note of the findings and relate them to political concerns.

The results of NRP 76 have also been published in three thematic book volumes, two of articles were written by members of the CHIP team. Members of the CHIP team are very pleased to have been able to participate in one of the projects (Coercive decisions in Switzerland through the lens of international standards : foster care placements), under the direction of Prof. Philip Jaffé.

The project highlighted the need for better prevention of family separations and for training professionals in international standards, which have been translated into two guides for children (English | French | German | Italian)and professionals in Switzerland. The NRP 76 will contribute, among other things, to greater respect for children’s right to identity in family relations.