The following two reports launched globally focus on different circumstances, in which children’s right to identity may be at risk. UNHCR’s report, Global Trends – Forced Displacement in 2022, outlines the global trends of this phenomenon in 2022. It includes...
- 27 July 2023
The Toolkit, which is a key resource for all Central Adoption Authorities and other actors in responding to potential past practices and in preventing any illicit practice, is comprised of the following four parts: fact sheets on illicit practices; a...
- 13 June 2023
DW (Germany) invited CHIP to speak about international standards related to surrogacy and the connected rights of children in the context of current reforms being considered by the Colombian government. CHIP was able to stress the importance that any regulation...
- 30 May 2023
The reports shows that the practice of child marriage has continued to decline globally, even if an estimated 640 million girls and women alive today were married in childhood. Today, one in five young women aged 20 to 24 years...
- 23 May 2023
The Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion (ISI) has launched two resources aimed at enhancing engagement with the Committee on the Rights of the Child on childhood statelessness. The first one, titled The child’s right to a nationality and childhood statelessness –...
- 11 April 2023
At its 52nd session, the Human Rights Council (HRC) adopted, without a vote, its Resolution on birth registration and the right of everyone to recognition everywhere as a person before the law. This new HRC resolution is the result of a...
- 11 April 2023
The Council on General Affairs and Policy (CGAP) has approved a number of initiatives that will contribute to the better preservation and restoration of the child’s right to identity. The Toolkit to Prevent and Address Illicit Practices in Intercountry Adoption...
- 23 March 2023
UNICEF, World Health Organization and other organizations drafted an addendum to the WHO/UNICEF guidance Health sector contributions towards improving the civil registration of births and deaths in low-income countries. The addendum reminds us that “one of the most effective ways...
- 07 March 2023
The International Association of Child Law Researchers has launched a website that explains what is international parental child abduction for children and young people. Developed in partnership with young people, the website explains The 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention and...
- 23 February 2023
Throughout end 2022 and continuing into 2023, UNHCR with different partners is working towards the forging of a new Global Alliance to end Statelessness comprised of States, UN agencies, civil society, academics and stateless-led groups. Child Identity Protection (CHIP) was...
- 23 January 2023