CRC Committee publishes it is final recommendations following Day of General Discussion (DGD) on alternative care
Following the DGD in September 2021, the CRC Committee published its outcome report and recommendations in June. The report notes the issue of child’s identity and family connections as a common theme, as well as acknowledges the multiple self-advocates who highlighted the importance of the issue. Related to the child’s right to identity, the CRC Committee recommends that :
- “States should be accountable for violations of children’s rights committed in the context of alternative care and should act to prevent future violations [ … ] that such mechanisms should work to acknowledge wrongdoings, reveal the truth, provide access to information, including concerning identity, hold accountable those responsible, provide comprehensive redress, including monetary and non-monetary reparations to survivors, and fundamentally transform systems to prevent future violations”.
- “Alternative care should uphold children’s family, community, identity and cultural relationships and networks […] States should develop and implement policies that protect children’s right to preserve and restore their identity and ensure access to their care records. Policies should focus on ensuring that alternative care providers support children to maintain ties with their culture, language, religion, and/or cultural history and to maintain and sustain meaningful relationships with members of their family, community and peer networks and other relationships that children themselves identify as important.”
Child Identity Protection (CHIP) looks forward to working with other key stakeholders to see the implementation of CRC Committee’s recommendations, especially those related to the preservation and restoration of the child’s right to identity.
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