Finding Home – launch of a website to inform children & young people about international parental child abduction
The International Association of Child Law Researchers has launched a website that explains what is international parental child abduction for children and young people. Developed in partnership with young people, the website explains The 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention and what the law says. It has stories about Deepa & Preethi, Anna, and Lethabo & Blessing. These are 3 examples of the many different situations and circumstances that can occur in parental child abduction cases. The website has lots of information, including answers to common questions that children and young people have about international parental child abduction: warning signs; what to do if you are worried a friend or family member may have been, or may be about to be, wrongfully taken overseas; what can happen after a child has been abducted by a parent; or how children can have a say about where they live. Child Identity Protection (CHIP) welcomes this new and innovative child friendly tool that helps unpack the complex issues surrounding this practice, which can lead to contraventions to the child’s right to identity and family relations. This is because international parental child abduction can deprive the child of relationships with either parent, extended family and/or his or her culture and community.
Source : www.findinghome.world ;
Further information : Child Identity Protection Policy Brief 3 on Protecting the child’s right to identity in parental child abduction cases https://www.child-identity.org/en/resources/policy-briefs/601-policy-brief-3-protecting-the-child-s-right-to-identity-in-parental-child-abduction-cases.html