Launch of the Kidimo app (#kidimo #kidimoapp #kinderrechte #kinderrechteapp #droitsdesenfants)
KIDIMO, the new children’s rights app, has been available in Switzerland since August 31, 2023 in all three national languages. The app is the fruit of more than three years’ work by OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule. Its design and implementation involved over 170 children, in workshops and tests of various prototypes, and 60 adult experts. The app’s designers explain that its aim “is to familiarize children in a playful way with their rights in line with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. With a game character they have created themselves, children can explore their rights to protection, encouragement and participation in three thematic worlds. The interdisciplinary project team has published guidelines on how the app can be used in the school context, in community work with children, or by child protection specialists”. The app is thus a tool for children, giving them explanations of their rights and points of contact in case of need, and a wonderful tool for professionals in contact with children.
CHIP admires this project and urges all professionals in Switzerland in contact with children to discover the application, spread the word and use it. The right to identity is directly touched upon as the app starts with the creation of a person who has a specific name. It also addresses the right to family relations as it talks about the child’s right to know both his or her parent(s). Other countries can also be inspired by this child friendly application.
Source : https://materiel.kidimo.app/ et https://ost.ch/kidimo