Launch of useful resources on childhood statelessness published by the Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion

The Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion (ISI) has launched two resources aimed at enhancing engagement with the Committee on the Rights of the Child on childhood statelessness.

The first one, titled The child’s right to a nationality and childhood statelessness – A Toolkit for Child Rights Actors, comprises ‘multiple elements including practical tips on how to meaningfully engage with the Committee, complemented by a checklist, template and guidance note on how to make submissions’. It also offers additional information on the right to a nationality – one element of the children’s right to identity from birth, as enshrined in Article 7 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The second resource, a factsheet published jointly with UNICEF, is titled Childhood statelessness and the Committee on the Rights of the ChildThis document includes useful graphic information, ‘analysing CRC Committee recommendations on the child’s right to nationality and the protection of stateless children, capturing a snapshot of progressive engagement by the Committee on these issues between 2010-2020’. The factsheet is a brief and very useful document for all actors wishing to engage with the CRC Committee.

CHIP congratulates ISI on the launch of both publications, as these build on the large experience and important work undertaken by ISI to safeguard children’s right to a nationality – and therefore to their identity – and to prevent statelessness amongst children.

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