Media outlets seek expert input of Child Identity Protection (CHIP) in multiple areas where the child’s right to identity is at risk

DW (Germany) invited CHIP to speak about international standards related to surrogacy and the connected rights of children in the context of current reforms being considered by the Colombian government. CHIP was able to stress the importance that any regulation should ensure all children’s rights are respected including the right to not be sold and have all elements of their identity preserved.

Open Democracy (UK) sought the opinion of CHIP’s president Maud de Boer-Buquicchio on the alleged illegal adoption of children from Armenia to Italy. Madame de Boer-Buquicchio was able to provide overarching information about the frameworks necessary to prevent the sale of children, including their identity and existing tools to respond to such situations. She focused on the necessity to target intermediaries in these situations, as key profit making entities and ensure their compliance with OPSC.

Les Editions de L’Avenir Presse (Belgium) contacted CHIP regarding its position about the potential legal reforms related to the establishment of an Institute that preserves all relevant information related to donor conceived persons. CHIP presented its views relating to the importance of ensuring full transparency, integrity and accessibility of all identity information for children.

Source : DW News: ; and

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