Urgent need to protect children against grave violations, including their right to identity

As the security and human rights situation across Afghanistan rapidly deteriorates with over 550 000 Afghans have been internally displaced by conflict and at least 125 000 in the last month alone – Child Identity Protection commends the bravery and determination of humanitarian actors continuing their work to meet basic needs and protect from harm. The Report of the Secretary-General on Children and armed conflict in Afghanistan disseminated on 16 July 2021 specifically provides a comprehensive background into the dire situation for children, including their recruitment, killing, maiming, rape and other sexual violence, as well as abduction. Situations resulting in the separation of children from their families runs contrary to their rights to live with them and maintain family relations as part of their identity (articles 8 – 9 CRC). Such separation will also occur as many are internally displaced and some will flee across borders. For those in other countries, UNHCR is calling for a moratorium on forced returns. Child Identity Protects hopes that peace, order and the rule of law will be restored to Afghanistan and that efforts will help children remain with their families.

Source : https://www.unhcr.org/news/briefing/2021/8/611b62584/unhcr-issues-non-return-advisory-afghanistan.html ,  https://www.un.org/sg/en/content/secretary-generals-remarks-the-security-council-afghanistan-delivered , https://reliefweb.int/report/afghanistan/children-and-armed-conflict-afghanistan-report-secretary-general-s2021662 and https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/06/22/afghanistan-children-detained-tortured-insurgent-links